Thiago Mota

Fullstack developer

Hi there, I'm Thiago Mota, Fullstack developer

I'm really into technology and currently studying web development to kickstart my career. I love problem-solving and enjoy taking on new challenges. If you have any cool projects or freelance opportunities, don't hesitate to reach out!


Crypto Use Gateway

Crypto Use Gateway

MVP that allows the creation of orders with payment in cryptocurrencies


Appointment Graphic

Appointment Graphic

Project that simulates a scheduling control panel for a graphic. Where can you manage appointments

Solana Pay Shop

Solana Pay Shop

An online store where you can download my favorite arts for coins

Mini Notification Service

Mini Notification Service

A notification service, using some architectural principles built with Nest and Prisma.

Open Source



Application that allows users in an apartment complex to recommend services to each other.



Application to make QRCODE pix quickly and practically


Building an MVP

Building an MVP

Building an MVP is a challenge that every developer should undertake, as it is a great way to learn...

How to use Chatgpt better

How to use Chatgpt better

I use ChatGPT quite a bit, and I believe it's a great way to obtain information on various concepts....

Quick config for Eslint and Prettier

Quick config for Eslint and Prettier

It can be a bit annoying to configure eslint to work together with prettier, because of some unwanted...

Why have a design system?

Why have a design system?

A very common thought when we talk about technology "This takes a long time so I shouldn't do it" if...

Spend time to gain time

Spend time to gain time

The great magic of software development is that there's always the possibility to improve a process...

A different way to deploy a server

A different way to deploy a server

When we do a project, we usually like to deploy it, so if someone sees our profile, they can quickly...